August 4th 2018 – Interview – With Dave at X22Report Spotlight

Interview: With Dave at X22Report Spotlight August 4th 2018:  topics covered include the growing awareness by the population that something is not right with fake news network stories turned silly with widespread internet and mainstream censorship with a gathering storm in grassroots economic recession which does not match the official government stories (COGNITIVE DISSONANCE WITHIN

July 13th 2018 – Article – Gold Standard Requirements & Currency Crisis

Article: Gold Standard Requirements & Currency Crisis July 13th 2018: Three requirements stand as critical in establishing the Gold Standard for the USDollar. They will be extremely difficult to implement and to satisfy. Several giant treasure troves of gold are coming to the fore. They can potentially alter the global financial setting in a significant way.

February 26th 2018 – Article: Yearly Forecasts for Systemic Breakdown

The year 2018 will see the global breakdown begin to occur in greater speed. The Jackass calls it the Systemic Lehman Event. The past year set the stage with important systemic cracks and alternatives being formed. After the 2008 financial crisis, nothing was put to remedy, not even solutions sought. All the financial sectors have been abused and corrupted with amplified funny money.